Welcome! Want to learn more about GSA? Check out how to become a Senator, joining a Committee, and our Executive Board!
Attend biweekly meetings on the Coral Gables campus and make your voice heard! The senate meetings are where we talk about everything and anything GSA is involved in. You can also bring up your own issues or programs issues to be addressed.
Committee Representatives
Looking for more involvement than attending biweekly meetings? Look no further! If you are interested in a specific issue, you can join a committee that meets weekly or biweekly to tackle growing issues the GSA wants to address. Many of our senators are also active on committees.
Don’t see a committee that represents what you are interested in? Bring it to a senate meeting! How all our committees have started are because of concerned students (like you!) who want to target a specific issue. If there is enough support we can form a new committee!
Executive Board
Our executive board is comprised of a president, vice president, parliamentarian, student life officer, operations officer, public relations, webmaster, and secretary. These individuals are elected by the senate the spring prior to the following school year and serve for the duration of the following academic school year. They work hard to keep senate and committee meetings run smoothly and work behind the scenes meeting additionally every other week.
The responsibilities of each executive board member can be found in the GSA Constitution.