AELS Application

Applications close on February 20, 2025.

Please beware that you can only receive the award if you are still enrolled. You can not apply if you will graduate in Summer / Fall 2025.

The winner must be registered for Spring 2025. (All awards will apply to the student account)

Documents needed for the application

  • Headshot
  • Unofficial University of Miami Transcript
  • Resume
  • Letter of Recommendation attesting to your academic ability and contribution to the graduate student population/university community.(optional)
  • Letter of Recommendation attesting to your community involvement. (optional)
  • Please complete the following five nomination sections thoroughly (All winners achievements will published on the GSA website)
    • Please list and describe any honors/awards received while a graduate student at the University of Miami in bullet points.
    • Please detail your academic achievements in bullet points.
    • Describe any extracurricular involvements and/or leadership roles on campus and in the community in bullet points.
    • Describe how your service involvement has positively impacted the graduate student body at the University of Miami in bullet points.
    • If you win this award, how would you promote and support the ideals of GSA and encourage graduate student involvement.

Open to all graduate students (Masters and Doctoral)

Click the link below to start your application, and submit your files and documents here also.

Google Form Application! (Submit Application)


  1. Academic Excellence: publications, GPA, research
  2. Leadership: student organizations, serving on committees and task forces, involvement in on-campus activities.
  3. Service: volunteering, community outreach (not related to research) outside of university
  1. All-around
  2. Preeminent Graduate student organization