GSA Constitution

Constitution of the Graduate Student Association of the University of Miami 

Ratified by the Graduate Student Executive Board and Senate on October 7, 2008. Last amended April 20th, 2022. 


We, the graduate students of the University of Miami, in order to provide means for  responsible and effective graduate student participation in the planning and conducting of University affairs, establish this constitution of the Graduate Student Association of the University of Miami; 

And, whereas, we the graduate students acknowledge the diversity of human experience; 

And, whereas, we the graduate students exist to further knowledge within our disciplines by  eliminating biases and prejudices; 

Be it resolved, that the Graduate Student Association shall adopt as a continuing policy that  no individual shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, religion, age, disability,  national and/or ethnic origin, marital status, gender, or sexual orientation. 


The name of the organization shall be the Graduate Student Association (GSA) of the University  of Miami. 


The  GSA  shall  exist  as  the  student  government  organization  representing  all  students  in  the  University  of  Miami  Graduate  School.  The  GSA  shall  serve  as  the  liaison  between  graduate  students,  individually  and  collectively,  the  faculty,  the  administration,  and  the  alumni  of  the  University  of  Miami.  Further,  the  GSA  shall  exist  as  a  forum  to  support  and  improve  the  quality  of  the  environment  for graduate  students  at  the  University  of  Miami. 

The general functions of the GSA shall be: 

  1. To protect and advocate for the civil rights, social welfare, and economic well-being of  graduate students by making recommendations regarding University of Miami policies to University administration; 
  2. To sponsor and lend its name to community-building, networking, and educational events  conducted  for  the benefit  of  graduate  students; 
  3. To  expend  its  funds  appropriately  for  the  fulfillment  of  graduate  student  needs;  and 
  4. To  facilitate  graduate  students’  access  to  information  regarding  the  resources  and  services  available  to  graduate  students. 


The  GSA  shall  comply  with  all  University  of  Miami  policies  and  procedures,  including  but  not  limited  to  those  policies  set  forth  in  the  Student  Rights  and  Responsibilities  Handbook,  the  Graduate  Student  Organization  Handbook,  IRB,  the  Hippocratic  Oath,  as  well  as  local,  state,  and  federal  laws. 


GSA membership is granted to any degree-seeking  student  registered  for  graduate  credit  with  the  University  of  Miami  Graduate  School  who  has  paid  the  Graduate  Activity  Fee. 


Section 1:The GSA shall have nine (9) elected officers, which constitute the Executive Board.  The elected officers of the GSA shall be the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Parliamentarian, the Public Relations Officer, the Student Life Officer, the Webmaster, and the Operations Officer. 

Section 2:The term of office for all elected Officers shall be for the period of one year, commencing May 1. Officers shall remain senators while in office,  even  if  not  re-elected  by  their  programs. 

Section 3:The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers of the GSA. 

Section 4:No more than two (2) graduate students who are seeking the same degree from the  same program at the University of Miami may be elected officers at the same time. 

Section 5:The following procedures shall govern all eligibility of officers. All procedures for the  nomination and election of officers are outlined in the Bylaws. 

  1. The position of President will be limited to any returning GSA Officer continuing their degree during the following academic year at the University of Miami. If no current Officer  is interested in running or qualified to run due to not continuing their degree the following  academic year at the University of Miami, the office of the president will be open to any  Senator in good standing that is continuing their degree during the following academic  year. Offices other than the office of the President will be open to: 
    1. Any member of the GSA that will be continuing their degree the following year at  the University of Miami. 
    1. Any incoming graduate student of the University of Miami that provides a letter of  acceptance to seek a graduate degree at the University of Miami. 
  2. The President and Vice President shall be elected at a regular meeting no later than one  (1) week before applications for the student member on the Board of Trustees is due. The  remaining seven (7) Officers of the Executive Board shall be elected at a regular meeting  no later than the first regular meeting in April of the Graduate Student Senate and before the GSA banquet and scholarship dinner, should one be held. 
    1. The election of the President and Vice President is to take place at a meeting prior  to the meeting where the remaining seven (7) officers are elected. 
  3. All members of the Senate and the Executive board shall be entitled to vote in the GSA officer elections. 

Section 6:Duties of the officers 

  1. The duties of the PRESIDENT shallbe: 
    1. To enforce the GSA Constitution and Bylaws;  
    1. To serve as the Executive Board chairperson;  
    1. To preside over Senate meetings; 
    1. To represent the GSA on matters of business with the Graduate School Dean  and other University  officials; 
    1. To  represent  the  GSA  at  all  official and   social  occasions  or to   appoint  a  representative,  as  appropriate; 
    1. To  recruit  and  appoint  chairpersons  as  members of   the  GSA  Committees  and  serve  as  an  ex  officio  member  on  all  Committees; 
    1. To recruit and appoint a GSA member to serve as GSA Representatives on the  following University  committees: 
      1. Board of Trustees Academic Affairs Committee 
      1. Board of Trustees Student Affairs Committee 
      1. Department of Wellness and Recreation Advisory Board 
      1. Faculty Senate 
      1. Faculty Senate Library and Information Resources Committee 
      1. Faculty Senate Student Affairs Committee 
      1. Graduate Council 
      1. Graduate Council Grievances Committee 
      1. Standing Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 
      1. Graduate Activity Fee Allocation Committee  (GAFAC) 
      1. Student Center Complex Advisory Council 
      1. Get Out The Vote Committee 
      1. Student Government Senate, and 
      1. Any  additional  group(s)  presented  to  the  GSA. 
    1. To conduct training and orientation for the GSA President-elect; 
    1. To prepare the GSA annual report at the end of the officer’s term;
    1. To serve as the liaison to the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students;  
    1. To oversee (or designate a representative to oversee) the election of any GSA  Executive Board Officer position which involves the current Parliamentarian as a  candidate thereof. 
    1. To approve in writing and oversee the medium upon which GSA logos and  letterheads are used. 
    1. To perform such duties as the office shall require. 
  2. The duties of the VICE PRESIDENT shall be: 
    1. To assume the President’s duties in the officer’s absence;
    1. To assist the President in the performance of the officer’s duties; 
    1. To coordinate the departmental or program elections or appointments of the GSA Senators;
    1. To recruit senators in the event that a department or program fails to elect or appoint a Senator;
    1. To initiate actions for the recall of a Senator, Committee Chairperson, Committee  member, or Representative when necessary; 
    1. To assist with graduate student orientation programs; 
    1. To serve as a committee chairperson, as decided by the Executive Board at the  start of their terms; 
    1. To perform the duties of the Parliamentarian in the event that the office is vacant;  and  
    1. To perform such duties as the office shall require.
  3. The duties of the SECRETARY shallbe: 
    1. To record the official minutes at all official GSA meetings; 
    1. To maintain the official Senate roster and  take  attendance  at  all  Senate  meetings;
    1. To supervise the GSA office staff in maintaining directories of graduate students,  deans, graduate advisors, graduate faculty, administrative personnel, and support  staff; 
    1. To supervise the office staff in maintaining a file of all official GSA  correspondence; 
    1. To notify Senators and graduate advisors of all Senate meetings and other GSA  activities; and
    1. To perform such duties as the office shall require. 
  4. The duties of the TREASURER shallbe:
    1. To manage the GSA finances;
    1. To preside over  Senate meetings in the President & Vice-President’s absence;
    1. To present a monthly fiscal report at each Senate and Executive Board meeting;
    1. To maintain current financial records in the GSA office and in a password-protected or encrypted University of Miami drive;
    1. To coordinate and record all financial transactions with the Graduate School, including approval of all requisitions, disbursements, and maintenance of account ledgers; 
    1. To serve, or appoint a representative to serve, on the Graduate Activity Fee Allocation Committee;
    1. To coordinate with the Graduate School Budget Director on the processing of paperwork for office staff hiring and payment; 
    1. To serve as committee chairperson, as decided by the Executive Board at the  start of their terms; and
    1. To perform such duties as the office shall require. 
  5. The duties of the PARLIAMENTARIAN shallbe: 
    1. To  advise  the  President  of  the  constitutionality  of  all  actions  by  the  GSA;
    1. To  ensure  that  Senate  and  Executive  Board  meetings  are  conducted  according  to Robert’s  Rules  of  Order,  Newly  Revised,  11th  Edition;
    1. To  keep  the  GSA  Bylaws  current; 
    1. To  conduct  the  annual  review  of  the  GSA Constitution   and  Bylaws  and serve   as  the  Constitution  Review  Committee  chairperson; 
    1. To  serve  on  the  Committee  on  Graduate  Student  Organizations; 
    1. To  oversee  the  review  and  approval  process  that  establishes  and maintains  GSA-recognized  Graduate  Student  Organizations; 
    1. To  conduct  the  annual  administrative  review  of  the  GSA-recognized  Student  Organizations;
    1. To  draft  and  distribute,  as  appropriate,  all  resolutions  approved  by  the  Senate; 
    1. To  oversee  any  elections  for  GSA  Executive  Board  Officers  not  involving  the  current  Parliamentarian  as  a  candidate; 
    1. To plan and preside over Spring Retreat at which both in-coming and out-going E-Boards review Constitutional duties with each incoming officer as well as Robert’s Rules of Order in order to ensure smooth transition from one E-Board to the next; and 
    1. To  perform  such  duties  as  the  office  shall  require. 
  6. The duties of the PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER shall be: 
    1. To manage GSA external communications activities; 
    1. To produce and distribute of the GSA newsletter;
    1. To  serve  as  Graduate  Student  Alumni  Association  liaison;
    1. To  perform  such  duties  as  the  office  shall  require.
  7. The duties  of  the STUDENT LIFE OFFICER shallbe: 
    1. To  chair  or  sit  on  the  Events  Committee;
    1. To  ensure  that  GSA  events  fall  under one   or  more  of the   following  categories:  community  building,  educational,  professional,  or  cultural,  in  compliance  with  the  GSA’s  mission  statement;
    1. To  submit  event  proposals  for  approval  to the   E-board  and  Senate;
    1. To  record  and  report  on  the  outcome  of  events  to  the  E-board  and  Senate;  and
    1. To  perform  such  duties  as  the  office  shall  require. 
  8. The duties of the WEBMASTER shallbe: 
    1. To  oversee  and  maintain  the  GSA  website and   email  account,  in  cooperation  with  the  Information  Technology  Department; 
    1. To  provide  office  technical  support  and  maintenance;  and
    1. To  perform  such  duties  as  the  office  shall  require. 
  9. The duties of the OPERATIONS OFFICER shallbe: 
    1. To  coordinate  and  lead  all  operational  and  logistical  functions  of  the  GSA.
    1. To  maintain,  organize,  replenish  and  clean  GSA  Lounge  in  the  Shalala  Student Center  on  a  regular  basis  and  ensure  that  all  upkeep,  usage  and  physical  structures  within  the  lounge  are  in  safe,  working  condition  and  order.  This  includes  the  GSA  copier  (toner,  copy  paper,  etc.) 
    1. To  remain  in  communication  with  and  follow all   policies  and  procedures  with  the Shalala  Student  Center. 
    1. To  maintain  and  organize  the  GSA  Office in   the  Whitten  Student Center   on  a  regular  basis  and  ensure  that  all  upkeep,  usage  and  physical  structures  within  the  office  are  in  safe,  working  condition  and  order. 
    1. To  coordinate  and  work  with  UM  Information  Technology  to  assign  and  deassign  ID  card  access  to  the  GSA  Office  for  approved  GSA  executive  board  members  only  or  other  authorized  members  approved  by  the  GSA  executive  board.  vi. To  maintain,  order  and  control  inventory  of basic   GSA  materials  stored  in  the  GSA  Office  and  utilized  throughout  the  academic  year  for  meetings,  activities,  events  and  everyday  operations  of  the  GSA  including,  but  not  limited  to,  the  following: 
      1. GSA  Table  Covers 
      1. GSA  Copier  (including  toner  and  copy  paper) 
      1. Tables 
      1. Chairs 
      1. Computers  systems  and  all  needed  computer  accessories 
      1. Office  Lock  Box/Safe 
      1. Storage  Cabinets  and  keys 
      1. Utensils  (Plates,  Forks,  Knivers,  Spoons,  Cups,  Napkins,  etc.) 
      1. GSA  Banners  and  Flags 
    1. To  coordinate  and  control  reservations  for  all  GSA  meetings  for  Senate  and Eboard  and  special  committee  meetings  or  events  that  require meeting space. 
    1. To  lead,  control,  maintain  all  aspects  of food and   drink  ordering for   all  GSA  Senate  meetings  and  other  meetings  approved  for  meals  as  a  part  of  the  meeting. 
    1. To  be  responsible  for  managing  the  ordering,  payment,  budgeting  process,  pick-up,  delivery  and  set  up  and  break  down  of  all  meals  that  are  a  part  of  GSA  meetings  and  events.  If  the  Operations  Officer  is  unable  to  attend  any  events  that  require  meals  or  food,  they  must  find  an  appropriate  GSA  member  to  handle  all  the  responsibilities  of  meal  and  food  preparations  and  follow  through  in  their  absence. 
    1. To  work  in  collaboration  and  cooperation  with the   GSA  Student  Life  Officer  and  GSA  events  committee  on  specific  operations  and  logistics  for  approved  GSA  events,  activities  and  programs  throughout  the  year.  Special  emphasis  and  assistance  should  be  placed  on  annual  and  larger-scale  GSA  events  that  required  additional  operational  and  logistical  priorities. 
    1. To  assist  the  President,  Parliamentarian  and  Secretary  when  deemed  necessary  for  preparations  and  follow  up  on  operational  and  logistical  responsibilities  involving  all  GSA  meetings  and  programs. 
    1. To  serve  on  at  least  one University   committee  deemed  appropriate  and  assigned  by  the  GSA  President. 
    1. Other  duties  as  assigned  by  the  GSA  President. 
  10. All  officers  shall  attend  every  Senate  meeting. Two (2) unexcused absences are grounds for impeachment.
  11. All  officers  shall  attend  every  E-Board  meeting. Two (2) unexcused absences are grounds for impeachment.
  12. In the event of an officer’s planned absence, the officer must appoint an alternate to attend the Senate or E-Board meeting and carry out the duties of the officer for that meeting.
  13. The GSA officers shall have the right to vote on all matters brought before the Senate.

Section  7:  Impeachment  of  Officers 

  1. GSA  officers  may  be  impeached  for  misconduct of   malfeasance  in  office or   for  not  performing  duties  as  outlined  in  Article  IV,  Section  6  of  the  Constitution.  Charges  must  be  submitted  in  writing  to  the  Graduate  School  Dean  by  three  (3)  or  more  persons  who  are  either  officers  or  senators  of  the  Executive  Board  or  the  Senate.  The  officer  being  charged  shall  be  notified  of  the  charges  within  forty-eight  (48)  hours  of  them  being  filed. 
  2. All  charges  shall  be  made  public  and  investigated by   the  GSA  Ethics Committee   under  the  direction  of  the  Graduate  School  Dean. 
    1. The  Ethics  Committee  will  be  created  as needed   in  response  to any   Officer  being  charged.  The  committee  will  be  randomly  assigned  from  the  pool  of  existing  GSA  Senators.  The  Graduate  School  Dean  shall  have  the  right  to  reject  any  committee  members  at  their  discretion  and  any  selected  Senator  may  recuse  him  or  herself  only  if  evidence  of  a  conflict  of  interest  is  provided. 
    1. The  Ethics  Committee  will  be  dissolved  at  the  conclusion  of  the  impeachment  proceedings. 
    1. The  recommendations  of  the  Ethics  Committee  based  on  the  findings  of  its  investigation  shall  be  presented  to  the  Senate.  The  Officer  in  question  shall  have  the  opportunity  to  present  a  response  to  recommendations  at  the  Senate  meeting  prior  to  the  vote.  A  two  thirds  vote  of  the  Senate  is  necessary  to  remove  the  officer  from  office. 
  3. The  officer  may  appeal  their  impeachment  at the   next  Senate  meeting. Any   request  for  such  an  appeal  must  be  submitted  in  writing  to  the  Graduate  School  Dean  and  the  Ethics  Committee  one  (1)  week  prior  to  the  Senate  meeting.
  4. A  two-thirds  vote  of  the  Senate  shall  be necessary  to  overturn  the  impeachment. 

Section  8:  Duties  of  the Executive  Board 

  1. The  duties  of  the  Executive  Board  shall b e: 

i.      To  create  the  GSA  annual  budget;   ii.   To  set  the  GSA  calendar  of  events;  

  1. To  determine  the  GSA’s  annual  objectives  and  coordinate  the  officers’  functions  in  meeting  those  objectives; 
    1. To  ensure  the  decisions  of  the  Senate  are  carried  out;  and 
    1. To  coordinate  management  of  the  GSA  office  staff  and  office  functions,  including  presentation  of  current  resources  and  event  information  for  graduate  students. 
  2. The  Executive  Board  shall  hold  at  least  four (4)   meetings  per  semester  to  be  scheduled  by  the  President.  A  quorum  for  Executive  Board  meetings  shall  consist  of  a  minimum  of  five  (5)  officers.  Special  meetings  of  the  Executive  Board  may  be  called  by  the  President  or  by  the  petition  of  four 

(4)  officers.  The  minutes  of  each  Executive  Board  meeting  shall  be  presented  to  the  Senators  at  the  next  Senate  meeting. 

  • Each  member  of  the  Executive  Board  shall  have one   (1)  vote  at the   Executive  Board  meetings.  A  majority  vote  of  those  present  is  necessary  to  approve  any  motion.  In  the  event  of  a  tie  that  cannot  be  broken  by  the  Executive  Board  alone,  the  Advisor(s)  to  the  GSA  may  be  consulted  for  assistance. 
  • All  budget  allocations  or  expenditures  in  excess  of $200.00   must  be  approved by   a  simple  majority  vote  of  the  Executive  Board.  All  budget  allocations  in  excess  of  $1,000.00  must  also  be  approved  by  the  Senate.  Proposals  for  sponsorship  of  events  and  allocations  of  funds  in  excess  of 

$1,000.00  must  be  submitted  in  writing  to  the  Senate  with  a  detailed  budget  for  approval  by  the  Senate  prior  to  the  expenditure. 

i. When  the  senate  is  out  of  session,  the executive   board  will  have the   authority  to  purchase  promotional  items  without  senate  approval; 

  • The  Executive  Board  has  the  authority  to  recall any   Senator  who  fails  to  attend  two  (2)  Senate  meetings  without  sending  a  written  proxy  or  alternate  representative  to  those  meetings.  Recall  procedures  are  defined  in  the  Bylaws. 
  • In  the  event  of  a  documented  dispute over   the  interpretation  of the   constitution  and/or  Bylaws,  a  majority  vote  of  the  Constitutional  Review  Committee  must  take  place  to  determine  the  official  interpretation.  The  submission  of  clarification  shall  be  presented  as  an  Amendment  by  the  Parliamentarian  to  be  voted  on  in  the  Senate,  per  processes  outlined  in  the  Bylaws. 


Section  1:  The  legislative  authority  of  the  GSA  shall  be  vested  in  the  Senate. 

Section  2:  The  Senate  shall  consist  of  one  Senator  from  each  department  or  program  of  the  University  of  Miami Graduate  School. 

  1. One  non-voting  representative  from  each  of  the  University  of  Miami  Student  Government  (Undergraduate),  Student  Bar  Association  (Law),  and/or  Student  Government  (Medicine)  shall  be  selected  by  the  leadership  of  these  entities and  welcomed  to  attend  GSA  Senate  Meetings. 
  2. For  each  of  the  following  student  government  entities, one   GSA  representative  (for  up  to  a  total  of  three)  shall  be  selected  by  the  GSA  President  to  attend  the  official  meetings  of  the  University  of  Miami  Student  Government  (Undergraduate),  Student  Bar  Association  (Law),  and  Student  Government  (Medicine)  as  a  non-voting  member. 
  3. The  Executive  Board  may  add  non-voting  members o r  guests  at  their  discretion. 

Section  3:  Each  Senator  shall  be  elected  by  the  graduate  students  of  each  respective  department  or  program.  In  the  event  an  election  cannot  be  held,  the  Senator  shall  be  appointed  by  the  faculty  chairperson  of  the  department  or  program  prior  to  the  first  meeting  of  the  fall  semester. 

Section  4:  At-large  Senators  may  be  elected  to  the  Senate  by  a  two-thirds  approval  of  the  Senate. 

Section  5:  The  term  of  office  for  each  Senator  shall  be  until  the  end  of  the  current  academic  year. 

Section  6:  If  a  Senate  position  is  vacated  before  the  end  of  the  term  of  office,  the  department  or  program  shall  designate  a  replacement  for  that  position  to  complete  the  term.  If  no  designation  is  made,  an  additional  at–large  senator  can  be  elected  to  fill  the  vacancy. 

Section  7:  The  duties  of  each  Senator  shall  be: 

To  represent  their  constituents’  interests  in  all  GSA  matters; 

  1. To  attend  all  Senate  meetings,  or  email  for  attendance  within  24  hours  and  votes; 
  2. To  participate  in  at  least  one  GSA  Committee or   act  as  a  GSA  representative  to  other 

University  boards,  senates,  councils,  or  committees; 

  • To  inform  their  constituents  of  GSA  activities  and  events; 
  • To  discuss,  draft,  and  approve  GSA  resolutions; 
  • To  review  the  monthly  Treasurer’s  report  and approve   by  a  majority vote   budget  allocations  or  expenditures  brought  by  the  Executive  Board  as  required  by  Article  V,  Section  6(d)  of  the  Constitution; 
  • To  review  the  GSA  Constitution  and  Bylaws;  and 
  • To  approve  recommendations  regarding  University  of  Miami  policies 

Section  8:  A  quorum  of  one-third  of  the  combined  total  of  active  GSA  Senators  (or  their  alternates)  and  GSA  officers  shall  be  required  for  any  Senate  meeting. 

  1. An  active  senator  is  define  as  one  who has   complied  with  the  requirements  of  Article  V 

Section  8  and  Article  VI,  Section  7.e 

  • Senators  who  are  not  active  are  not  eligible  to  vote  at  Senate  meetings; 
  • Senators  who  are  not  active  may  regain  active status   by  meeting  with the   executive  board  and  following  their  recommendations.  Executive  board  recommendations  for  regaining  active  status  shall  be  reasonable  and  participation-based. 

Section  9:  Each  Senator  and  GSA  officer  shall  have  one  (1)  vote  in  all  matters  brought  before  the  Senate.  A  Senator  that  is  absent  may  submit  a  written  proxy  for  a  specific  vote  or  send  an  alternate  to  serve  as a   general  proxy. 

Section  10:  The  GSA  President  shall  designate  an  executive  board  member  to  preside  over  Senate  meetings. 

Section  11:  At  least  four  (4)  meetings  of  the  Senate  shall  be  scheduled  per  semester  by  the  Executive  Board.  The  President  may  call  Special  Meetings  of  the  Senate,  by  petition  of  three  (3)  officers  or  by  fifteen  (15)  Senators.  All  meetings  may  be  held  in  person,  electronically,  or  in  a  combined  in-person/electronic  form  at  the  discretion  of  the  Executive  Board . 

Section  12:  Any  Senator,  Committee  Chair  or  member,  or  Executive  Board  member  who  exhibits  gross  misconduct,  malfeasance  in  office,  or  fails  to  attend  two  (2)  Senate  or  committee  meetings  without  sending  a  written  proxy  or  alternate  representative,  or  has  not  paid  their  Graduate  Activity  Fee  may  be  recalled  from  office  upon  written  notification  by  the  Executive  Board.  The  Executive  Board  must  vote  to  recall  a  member  by  a  majority  of  present  Executive  Board  members.  Senators  may  appeal  a  recall  action  as d efined  in  the  Bylaws. 


Section  1:  The  President  shall  recruit  and  appoint  graduate  students  to  serve  as  members  and  chairpersons  on  the  functioning  GSA  Standing  Committees.  The  Executive  Board  shall  approve  all  appointments  by  majority  vote. 

Section  2:  Each  Committee  chairperson  must  be  an  active  GSA  Senator  or  Officer.  In  order  to  remain  an  active  committee,  each  of  the  standing  committees  shall  endeavor  to  have  members  representing  at  least  three  (3)  departments,  with  no  more  than  one  (1)  member  from  the  same  department  (i.e.  either  Masters  or  PhD,  but  not  both). 

Section  3:  All  graduate  students  who  accept  an  appointment  to  a  Committee  are  expected  to  carry  out  the  following  duties: 

  1. All  Committee  members  must  attend  all  meetings of   said  committee  or send   an  alternate,  represent  the  interest  of  all  graduate  students  on  said  committee  to  the  best  of  their  ability,  and  send  reports  to  their  respective  Committee  Chairperson. 
  2. All  Committee  chairpersons  must  call  and  attend  all meetings   of  said  committee or   send  an  alternate,  represent  the  interest  of  graduate  students  on  said  committee  to  the  best  of  his  or  her  ability,  send  all  committee  notes  to  the  GSA  Secretary  within  a  week  following  each  Committee  meeting,  and  prepare  an  oral  or  written  Committee  report  to  be  presented  at  the  next  Senate  meeting. 
  3. All  Committees  shall  endeavor  to  meet  at least   once  every  4 weeks   between  official  semester  start  and  end  dates  (as  determined  by  the  Registrar’s  Office),  as  called  by  the  chairperson.  The  chairperson  must  finalize  the  meeting  date,  time,  and  location  after  a  majority  of  Committee  members  express  in  writing  their  ability  to  attend.  Notification  of  the  finalized  Committee  meeting  will  be  communicated  to  Committee  members  at  least  one  week  prior  to  the  Committee  meeting. 

Section  4:  Any  Committee  chairperson  or  member  who  exhibits  gross  misconduct,  malfeasance,  or  failure  to  attend  two  (2)  committee  meetings  without  sending  a  written  proxy  or  alternative  representative  may  either  be  removed  or  replaced  with  another  committee  appointment  upon  written  notification  by  the  Executive  Board.  Committee  chairpersons  or  members  may  appeal  a  recall  action  as defined  in  the  Bylaws. 

Section  5:  The  following  shall  be  the  GSA  Standing  Committees:  

  1. Student  Wellness  Committee 
    1. Academic  Relations  Committee 
    1. Events  Committee 
    1. Committee  on  Graduate  Student  Organizations ( COGSO) 
    1. Social  and  Civic  Engagement  Committee 
    1. TEDxUMiami  Committee 
    1. Constitutional  Review  Committee 
    1. Music  and  Arts  Committee 

Section  6:  The  STUDENT  WELLNESS  COMMITTEE  shall  address  mental  and  physical  health  of  graduate  students,  together  with  issues  not  addressed  by  other  Committees,  including  but  not  limited  to:  housing,  parking/commuter  issues,  health  insurance,  library  concerns,  etc. 

Section  7:  The  ACADEMIC  RELATIONS  COMMITTEE  shall  address  issues  related  to  graduate  student  academics,  including  but  not  limited  to  those  that  may  potentially  impact  the  graduate  student  teaching  and  learning experience. 

Section  8:  The  EVENTS  COMMITTEE  shall  organize  official  GSA  events,  including  but  not  limited  to:  socials,  luncheons,  barbecues,  Orientation  activities,  seminars,  and  information  sessions.  All  proposals  for  events  shall  be  submitted  to  the  Executive  Board  and  the  Senate  for  approval.  Each  event  must  fall  under  one  of  these  four  categories:  Community  Building,  Educational,  Professional,  or  Cultural.  The  Committee  must  justify  each  event  by  describing  how  it  impacts  one  or m ore  of  these  categories. 

Section  9:  The  COMMITTEE  ON  GRADUATE  STUDENT  ORGANIZATIONS  shall  review  student  organizations’  constitutions  for  approval  and  annually  for  re-registration  and  assist  the  Parliamentarian  in  addressing  graduate  student  organization  concerns.  They  shall  review  the  GSA  Constitution  and  Bylaws  annually  and  propose  revisions  to  the  Senate  under  the  direction  of  the  Parliamentarian. 

Section  10:  The  SOCIAL  AND  CIVIC  ENGAGEMENT  COMMITTEE  promote  engagement  of  the  University  of  Miami’s  graduate  students  with  social  and  civic  entities  or  movements.  The  committee  shall  endeavor  to  create  a  positive  impact  in  the  greater  Miami  community  and  beyond.  

Section  11:  The  JOBS COMMITTEE shall establish and maintain relations with the Toppel Career Center in order to promote events coordinating career options for graduate students.

Section  12:  The  CONSTITUTIONAL  REVIEW  COMMITTEE  shall  conduct  the  annual  review  of  the  GSA  Constitution  and  Bylaws,  and  propose  amendments  to  be  submitted  and  approved  at Senate. 

Section  13:  The  MUSIC  AND  ARTS  COMMITTEE  shall  promote  graduate  student  engagement  with  music,arts,  and  culture  within  the  university  and  the  greater  Miami  area.,  The  committee  will  support  the  creative  activities  of  graduate  students  through  competitions,  programs  and  showcases.  

Section  14:  AD-HOC  COMMITTEES  may  be  established  by  the  President  for  a  limited  duration  to  investigate  and  make  recommendations  to  the  Executive  Board  and  the  Senate.  As  with  Standing  Committees,  the  President  shall  recruit  and  appoint  graduate  students  to  serve  as  members  and  chairpersons  on  Ad-hoc  Committees.  The  Executive  Board  shall  approve  all  appointments  of  Chairpersons  by  majority  vote. 

  1. In  the  event  that  the  President declares the   creation  of  an Ad-hoc   Committee,  the  President  must  specify  the  name  of  the  committee  and  specify  the  length  of  time  the  committee  shall  stand  before  further  review  by  the  Executive  Board  to  determine  if  the  committee  has  addressed  its  charge. 
  2. At  the  time  specified  by  the  President  upon the   creation  of  the Ad-hoc   Committee,  the  Executive  Board  shall  conduct  a  review  of  the  Committee.  The  Executive  Board  shall  decide  by  majority  vote  whether  the  Ad-hoc Committee  shall  be: 
    1. granted  a  specified  length  of  time  to continue   operation  before  being  called  under  review  again; 
    1. disbanded;  or  iii. made  into  a  standing  committee  by  proposing  an  amendment  to  the  Constitution. 

Section  15:  The  chairpersons  and  members  of  the  GSA  Committees  and  the  Executive  Board  shall  comprise  the  GSA  Cabinet,  which  will  meet  upon  the  President’s  request. 

Section  16:  If  a  committee  chairperson  or  member  has  committed  gross  misconduct  or  malfeasance  of  office,  as  documented  in  accordance  with  the  recall  process  outlined  in  the  Bylaws,  or  has  not  been  active  in  communication  or  meeting  in  two  months,  the  committee  may  be  dissolved  for  the  rest  of  the  semester  by  a  majority  vote  of  the  Senate.  At  the  start  of  the  next  semester,  the  committee  will  undergo  the  review  process  outlined  in  the  Ad-Hoc  committee  Article/Section. 


Section  1:  The  powers  to  amend  the  GSA  Constitution  and  Bylaws  shall  rest  with  the  Senate. 

Section  2:  Constitutional  amendments  shall  address  overall  governing  structure,  duties,  and  missions  of  the  GSA.  Bylaws  amendments  shall  elaborate  terms,  governing  structure,  duties,  and  processes  specified  in  the  Constitution.  No  GSA  officer  or  Senator  may  offer  amendments  that  create  conflict  between  the  Bylaws  and  the  Constitution. 

Section  3:  Amendments  must  be  sponsored  by  the  Parliamentarian,  on  behalf  of  the  Constitution  Review  Committee,  or  a  current  Senator  not  under  recall.  The  Senator  must  present  the  proposed  amendment  in  writing  to  the  Parliamentarian  at  least  two  (2)  weeks  prior  to  the  Senate  meeting  at  which  action  is  taken  by  the  Senate. 

Section  4:  Senators  must  be  given  a  minimum  of  one  (1)  week’s  notice  prior  to  meetings  at  which  amendments are  to  be  considered. 

Section  5:  Constitutional  amendments  shall  be  adopted  immediately  upon  the  affirmative  vote  of  two  thirds  of  the  voting  members  at  a  Senate  meeting  and  approval  of  or  no  action  by  the  Graduate  School  Dean  within  thirty  (30)  calendar  days  of  receipt  of  the  amendments.  Bylaw  amendments  shall  be  adopted  immediately  upon  the  affirmative  vote  of  two-thirds  of  the  voting  members  at  a  Senate  meeting  and  submitted  notification  to  the  Graduate  School  Dean.  After  an  affirmative  vote,  the  amendment  will  immediately  take  effect,  but  will  not  be  written  into  the  Constitution  until  the  annual  Constitutional  review.  The  amendment  will  not  need  to  be  voted  on  again  during  the  annual  vote  on  changes  to  the  Constitution.  

Download GSA Constitution and Bylaws, amended April 20th, 2022.